About Us

We're a group of friends who wanted to help educate others about the US Postal Service with cool data visualizations!

Meet the Team

Kelsey Wu is a sophomore at Harvard studying Government & Data Science, interested in leveraging data analytics to drive social impact, business intelligence, and public policy. Currently, she is involved in data-oriented student organizations and conducts data analysis & product management work for World Data Lab. In her free time, she loves sampling various noodles, singing, and editing vlogs.

Diana Zhu is a sophomore at Harvard studying Applied Math and Energy & Environment. She’s from Minnesota, but loves spending time on either coasts (currently west). On campus, she's involved with Consulting for Business and Environment, Women in Business, and the the Office for Sustainability. Outside of academics, Diana likes to figure skate and play with her puppy.

Henry Austin is a sophomore at Harvard College, originally from Michigan, studying Social Studies and Global Health and Health Policy, interested in solutions to socioeconomic inequality. Currently, Henry works on political science research at the Harvard Public Opinion Project and evaluates data analysis projects at the Harvard open data project. In his free time, Henry enjoys listening to music, running, hanging out with friends.